Press Release: Computer Space 2010, Awarded Projects and Focus of the Seminars PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 02 November 2010 16:17

The official awarding ceremony in the frame of the 22nd edition of the international computer arts forum Computer Space took place on October, 28th The ceremony attended representatives of Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications as well as a lot of renowned experts working in the field of web technology, computer arts and computerand electronic music. (Thursday) in Central Military Club at 17h.

This year there were more than 100 projects registered in Computer Space competition. They competed in the following categories: computer animation, computer graphics, computer and electronic music, offline multimedia, web design: art and culture, web design: society and institutions, web design: entertainment and hobby, web design: technology and market, web design: information and media. A professional jury comprising experts in the various fields of the computer arts awarded the following projects:
Computer Space 2010 Nominees PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 18 October 2010 11:05

The nominees of the XXII edition of Computer Space have been announced!

All the nominees in the nine categories are listed below:

Categories:Computer Graphics, Computer Animation, Computer and electronic Music, Offline Multimedia,Web design: art & culture, Web design: society & institutions, Web design: entertainment & hobby, Web design: technology & market, Web design: information & media.


*The winners in each category as well as the winners of the special awards will be announced at the Award Ceremony (28-th October) in the Central Military Club (Sofia) during the festival programme, 28.10.2010 - 30.10.2010.

**The nominees are listed alphabetically!

Some of the awards in Computer Space 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 07 October 2010 11:05

Computer Space 2010 Team would like to inform you that this year we have a new partner – the largest hosting company in Bulgaria SuperHosting.BG (www.superhosting.bg). SuperHosting.BG are providing awards for the best projects (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in each one of the 9 computer arts categories in the frame of the festival. The awards are in the form of hosting plans, virtual servers and domain name registrations. If you like to see a detailed list and description of the awards, click here. The organizers of Computer Space 2010 and SuperHosting.BG would like to wish success in the competition to all the participants!

Computer Space 2010 EXHIBITION

Images from computer graphics and computer animation projects
from Computer Space 2009 and 2010 editions will be exhibited for three weeks (25.10.2010 – 14.11.2010) at the bridge next to the National Palace of Culture in Sofia.

Thus, we ask all authors registering their projects in computer graphics and computer animation to send us an image of their project with preferable dimensions of 4308 x 2806 pixels, in .jpeg format, each picture less than 5 MB (each e-mail less than 5 MB) so that we can exhibit them. If you send several pictures, send them in separate e-mails to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Even if you think you won’t have the time, you can come and see the exhibition! It will be on the outside on the very bridge and open to everybody who is even just passing by on the way to work.

We are expecting you!

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