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1. In order to participate in the competition part of “Computer Space” you should be familiar with those rules.
2. Anyone can participate in the competition part of “Computer Space” – computer art professionals, non-profit organizations, professional studios and organizations, students, computer art fans, and others.
The projects can be registered on the name of an author of the project or on the name of the producing company/studio of the project.
4. If the project has more then one author this should be explicitly mentioned during the registration.
5. The projects should be developed in the past 3 (three) years, and should participate in “Computer Space” for the first time.
6. Each project can participate only once – in the category that is most suitable for it. The available categories are:
Computer graphics
This category includes:
• Art pictures
• Design, advertising pictures
• 2D and 3D computer graphics
• Digital photos processed by computer Projects in this category should be submitted as follows:
• Trough the upload form during the online project registration (in one of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif) Projects in this category could be additionally submitted as follows:
• By post, printed, in approx. A3 format (optional)
• By post, on digital media - CD/DVD/HDVD/BlueRay/Flash memory (in one or more of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tga, .tif)
• Trough a direct download web link (in one or more of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tga, .tif)
Computer animation
This category includes:
• Art movies, cartoons
• Advertising and music clips
• 2D and 3D computer animations
• Digital video processed by computer (with computer-based visual effects) Projects in this category should be submitted in one (or optionally more) of the following ways:
• Trough the upload form during the online project registration (in one of the following formats: .avi, .mov, .swf, .flv)
• By post, on digital media - CD/DVD/HDVD/BlueRay/Flash memory (in one or more of the following formats: .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .hdmov, .wmv, .mkv, .swf, .flv)
• Trough a direct download web link (in one or more of the following formats: .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .hdmov, .wmv, .mkv, .swf, .flv)
Offline multimedia
This category includes:
• All kinds of CD/DVD/HDVD/BlueRay/Flash memory based interactive multimedia
• Interactive installations
• Games or training materials.
Projects in this category should be submitted in one (or optionally more) of the following ways:
• Trough the upload form during the online project registration (in one of the following formats: .zip, .rar, .tar, .7z)
• By a short presentation movie of the project, uploaded during the online project registration (in one of the following formats: .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .hdmov, .wmv, .mkv, .swf, .flv)
• By post, on digital media - CD/DVD/HDVD/BlueRay/Flash memory (in a format prefered to the participant, depending on the type of multimedia) Projects in this category could be additionally submitted as follows:
• Trough a direct download web link (in one or more of the following formats: .zip, .rar, .tar, .7z)
Computer and electronic music
This category includes:
• Drum'n Bass, Dub, Techno, Trance, House, Downtempo, Ambient, Breakbeat, Global, Noise, Exotica, digital DJ-culture, Experimental, New Age and so on
• Performances, sound-space projects, installations, radio works, net-music, generative music
• Electro-acoustic, experimental Projects in this category should be submitted in one (or optionally more) of the following ways:
• Trough the upload form during the online project registration (in one of the following formats: .mp3)
• By post, on digital media - CD/DVD/HDVD/BlueRay/Flash memory (in one of the following formats: CD-Audio, .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .mid, .wav) Projects in this category could be additionally submitted as follows:
• Trough a direct download web link (in one or more of the following formats: .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .mid, .wav)
Web design: art & culture
This category includes:
• Net art, web design
• Art and cultural databases, online museums, galleries literature, architecture, etc.
• Personal web sites with artistic approach Projects in this category should be submitted with a direct URL to the website, during the online project registration.
Web design: society & institutions
This category includes:
• Communities, non-profit organizations, foundations, ministries and state institutions, etc.
• Social web sites, campaigning websites etc.
Projects in this category should be submitted with a direct URL to the website, during the online project registration.
Web design: entertainment & hobby
This category includes:
• gaming, music, animation, film
• Hobby and entertainment oriented media (TVs, radios, papers, magazines), streaming media, forums and chats, etc.
• Personal hobby web sites Projects in this category should be submitted with a direct URL to the website, during the online project registration.
Web design: technology & market
This category includes:
• Companies and corporations, financial institutions
• E-shops, e-services
• Research, e-learning
• Wireless and mobile, ICT, etc. Projects in this category should be submitted with a direct URL to the website, during the online project registration.
Web design: information & media
This category includes:
• Web portals and search engines
• Spacialized information www sites, blogs etc.
• Information oriented media (TVs, radios, papers, magazines), net journalism, e-publishing, news services, wireless and mobile, ICT, etc. Projects in this category should be submitted with a direct URL to the website, during the online project registration.
7. One participant can register up to 3 (three) projects in total.
These projects can be in different categories, depending on the participant (e.g. three different projects can be registered in the same category, or three different projects can be registered in three different categories).
8. The organizers have the right to use for free the registered projects in different promo or documentation materials of “Computer Space” and also in different forum events. The copyright remains to the authors/owners of the project.
9. The organizers can refuse registration of projects contradicting to the rules or containing illegal content or demonstrating low level of development.
10. The organizers are not responsible for the uploaded content or for the validity of the information.

Registration Process

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1. The registration process is an online process, that can be made only via the “Computer Space” website.
2. In order to register you should follow the “Register” link (in the main menu or in the login form), which is active only during the registration period.
3. Before the start of the registration you should read the participation rules and agree with them.
4. First you will be prompted to register an account in the “Computer Space” website, in which you will provide your personal and contact information. Do not worry about the contact information, as it will not be accessible to anyone, except the organizers. In order to successfully register an account, please follow the instructions and fill in the fields that appear when you follow the “Register” link.
5. Once you have an account you should log into it (through the login form), in order to access this account’s user menu. Through the user menu you can manage your projects: add, remove or edit them.
6. Each of those actions, made through the user menu (adding, removing or editing a project) will be approved by the administrators of the website (this means by the organizers) in a period of 10 (ten) workdays (usually less).
7. There is no limitation to how often and how many times you change your projects’ information.
8. You can also change your personal and contact information through the user menu.
9. To register a project, follow the “Add new project” link in the user menu, or click on the “Add new project” button in the “Manage projects” screen of the user menu. In order to successfully register a project, please follow the instructions and fill in the fields that appear when you follow the “Add new project” link.
10. When registering a project, first you will be prompted to choose a category for it. Full categories description is provided in this phase of the registration, as well as in the participation rules. After that you should provide your project’s information as requested.
11. The upload buttons have been tested with Flash Player 9 (you may face difficulties with Flash Player 10)

Deadlines and fees

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1. The registration period starts in May.
2. The registration of accounts is free.
3. The registration with fee period takes place between August 1st and September 30th.
4. The fee for registration of projects is 25 euro (or 50 BGN) for the first project and 15 euro (or 30 BGN) for each of the next projects (second, third).
5. The fee for every project should be transferred until the end of the projects registration period. Otherwise the project will not participate in the contest.
6. The fee should be transferred to:

IBAN: BG69 UNCR 7630 1000 2785 18
bank: UniCredit Bulbank - Business Center Sveta Nedelya
reason: participation fee for Computer Space 2011 forum

The data for the invoice should be sent by e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Disclaimer and additional notes

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The organizers can change the participation rules at any time. Please make sure that you are familiar with the latest set of rules.
The organizers are not responsible for the uploaded content or for the validity of the information. Using this site is on your own risk and browsing the registered projects is also on your own risk
In case of some violation of copyright or ownership rules of the uploaded projects, please report it to the organizers.
If you have any questions regarding the rules, please contact us.

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