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Participants in The Violence of Information symposium:

The apparently inferred “reality” of that macrocosm known as the Internet
Scott Becker

“...Increasingly reality comes down to a simple matter of what one individually chooses to believe...

The great majority of the peoples of the “civilized” world have for some time now and in no small way fallen under the spell of the mythos of a celluloid heros/heroines, whose individual screen personas have been carefully husbanded over the years to promote the products and underlying values supporting the agendas of multi-national corporate entities...

...Essentially you believe what benefits your own particular position and the proof comes in your ability to obtain success (i.e. financial) as opposed to the veracity of the claim in the face of public opinion.”

Scott Becker was born in Chicago, USA in 1951. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Studio Arts in the mid-seventies. After leaving school he started work as a graphic designer, developing skills in related fields like commercial photography and video production. In 1985 he uses Mac computer for first time in his work. As the computers advance, his interests and projects in producing imagery grow, too.

His current visual works combine different media - sculpture, printmaking and photography. There are many and different idea sources - Christianity, Vedic tradition, and present day media.

His artworks are shown in many countries among which are the US, UK, etc.