Номинации - Уеб Дизайн: Общество и институции ПДФ Печат Е-мейл
събота, 27 Септември 2008 15:05

Номинирани в категория "Уеб дизайн: общество и институции":

NHAProject name: "Национална художествена академия"
Author:  RIZN
  Bulgaria URL: http://www.nha.bg/
Registration date:
 22.08.2013 Description: Изработка на уеб сайт за Национална Художествена Академия - едно от най-старите висши училища в България, което подготвя завършени творци в областта на изкуствата и дизайна.
MIDPProject name: "Municipal Infrastructure Development Project"
  Paradox Interactive
  Bulgaria URL: http://midp.bg
Registration date: 08.06.2013 Description: Municipal Infrastructure Development Project (MIDP) is implemented by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works through the Project Implementation Unit.

Bulgarian Association for Respiratory CareProject name: "Bulgarian Association for Respiratory Care"
  Web Motion Ltd
  Bulgaria URL: http://brsnet.bg/
Registration date: 31.07.2013 Description: The Bulgarian Association for Respiratory Care contributes to the development of pulmonology and physiatry in Bulgaria to introduce new treatment methods and technologies. The website maintains a register of the members, connects them, organizes events, provides information and educational materials

VolofyProject name: "Volofy"
  Volofy Ltd.
Country:  Bulgaria
Registration date:
 25.09.2013 Description: Volofy is a platform for finding and creating good causes. You can explore the best causes you can help with your skills. On the other hand you can create a cause, find volunteers and local companies to support you. Volofy is funded by funded by Eleven Accelerator Venture Fund.