Nominees - Offline Multimedia PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 27 September 2008 13:05

Nominees in category Offline Multimedia:

Land Of Lost MemoriesProject name: "Land Of Lost Memories"
Bozhidar Dimitrov and Lyubomir Tzvetkov
Country: Bulgaria
Registration date: 01.09.2009 

"Land Of Lost Memories", made by a team of 2 people, is a 3D game environment, which is using heightmap technology and is based on Ogre3D Graphic Engine. The environment can be easily imported as a game level. The code is written in C++, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the models are made by us in suitable 3D graphics software. To make the exploration process more entertaining we created a character, who moves over the terrain, collides with objects and even changes postures.

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